I have decided to talk about my favorite movies for this work, since watching movies is one of my hobbies. These movies changed generations and also changed the story of the cinema. It is funny that some of these films are in my personal top because of an special person… My fiancé. She’s a girl who has a good taste for movies. she has taught me about many actors, directors and good interpretations. I hope she can read this blog because it is dedicated to her. It’s hard for me to accept her admiration for Robert Downey Jr and Gary Oldman, however ; I can accept it because , I am a big fan of Scarlet Johannson ( my black widow). She motivated me to do this work based on our passion for the movies; I want to clarify that i am not an expert in movies but I only want to express my point of view about these fantastic films. I hope you enjoy my selection and I hope you can watch all of them.

Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)

It is a fascinating movie that won 3 oscars in 1993, it was directed by Francis Ford Coppola and the starrings are Winona Ryder, Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins and Keanu Reeves.It narrates the story of how Vlad Teppes become Dracula because of his wife’s death. it mix the reality with the fantasy and try to demonstrate the existence of this Vampire, just like the Bram Stoker’s novel tries to do. according to the Producer, the story is based on the Bram Stocker’s novel “Dracula”, however it includes a real character like Vlad Teppeswho does not appear in the novel and who is believed was the first vampire because of his famous technique of impaling.In this movie Francis Ford Coppola showed a lot of incredible scenes and interesting special effects. Every scene is totally different from the last one, besides the characterization of Gary Oldman is amazing. You can see his transformation of a young man, old man, rats, bat, wolfman etc…, this man is an excellent actor. the scene of the brides trying to kill Keanu reeves, the transformation of Dracula to a wolfman, the murder of Sadie Frust, the love scenes of Winona Ryder and Gary Oldman captured my attention. it is a real classic.


The best character of Robert Downey Jr was Chaplin, not in vain he was nominated an oscar in 1992 for this movie. This movie relates us the story of the great actor, producer, writer, musician Charles Chaplin. It was narrated in an intelligent way since it shows us the story of Chaplin told for himself. It is very impressive the way that Robert Downey Jr uses the British Accent when he is an american Actor. besides, he looks like the original Chaplin. The movie shows some scenes very funny which are a tribute to Chaplin movies. I found very interesting the way the directors, actors and producer made a tribute to this incredible person, I watched some Chaplin movies ( forced by my fiance…) and at the beginning, I imagined that they were bored and insignificant, nevertheless , I discovered that they were a big inspiration for all the persons who make comedies as Roberto Gomez Bolaños and others. Here I left you with the song “smile” which was written by Charles Chaplin for one of these films

Chaplin What do we do?…..Smile


It was directed by Tim Burton. Eward Scissorhands relates the story of a young that have scissors instead of fingers in his hands. it is a moving story that teaches the society the value of tolerance and the acceptance of persons for his skills and not for his physical appearance. the role of Eward was played Johnny Depp; this role made him famous. some comments express that this movie is based on Frankenstein and the beauty and the beast. The role of Johnny was incredible. I always admired his capacity for creating figures with the scissors and the way he captivated the beautiful Winona Ryder. curiosly, Tim Burton called Michael Jackson for this role but he did not accept it. Could You imagine Michael Jackson as Edward Scissorhands?………

here, I left you the trailer of Eward Scissorhands.


It is one of the more fascinating movies about the roman age. it was produced in 1999 and directed by Ridley Scott, the same director of Alien. one of the things that I liked of the movie was the roles of Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix.the first one played the role of the Maximo Decimo Meridio, the general of Roman Empire and the second one played the role of the evil and bloody emperor Comodo. Maximo’s dream was to return to his house with his wife and his son, however ; this dream broke when Marco Aurelio is killed by his son Comodo who order to kill Maximo and his family. Maximo escapes and returns to Roma as Gladiator in order to take revenge of his family’s murder. this movie won five oscars in 2000, including best movie and best actor. it is interesting to know that Gladiator is the second movie filmed about Roman Empire nominated to the oscars and winner in the category of best movie, the first one was Ben Hur.

CARRIE (1976)

this movie was directed by Brian De Palma. this movie is based on the novel Carrie White written by Stephen King. it narrates the story of Carrie White, a shy girl with telekinesis powers who is bored of the bullying suffered in the school and take revenge of her classmates. It is a really entertaining story, it does not only show the common terror ( killing people etc) but also a psychological terror. Most of one person could feel identified with these character or even undersrtand her decisions. It’s so scary, even It could be used for avoiding the bullying in the school, more than once young would think twice before hounding another partner. it is interesting to say that , the actress who played the main character was nominated an oscar for this film. It was the first time that an actor is nominted for a terror movie, besides this movie has become a cult movie also. I really recommend you, it is a classic and film with a different kind of terror.


The first time that appears the enigmatic character of Fredy Krueger. The movie relates the story of this character and the way he atormented the persons who punished him. Freddy emerges in the nightmares of children and adolescents from Elm Street to murder them, His physical appearance is very characteristic: a disfigured face, a hat seems jaded, a jersey of streaks of green and red, and a glove of knives that he had created. In the movies, he has a bizarre sense of humor. This is one of the many films that marked generations, it marked mine. It is funny that in spite of the fact the low quality of the special effects, it was really scared of me. This sensation of fear about the dreams was really frightening, nothing similar to the films of these years. It could make that you screamed and did not sleep in all night …more than once it appeared in my dreams. it was really frightening,. If you love horror, I recommend you Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984 version. (The new one sucks)


This is one of my favorite films. It is extraordinary and interesting. It is the story of The young guitarist Eric Draven and his girlfriend who are brutally killed by a band calling top dollar. Exactly one year later, guitarist revived inexplicably and returns to the city to revenge of his  killers. The main topics of the film are revenge, violence, gothic, animals and death. They were made 5 parts of this movie: the crow, the crow: city of angels, the crow: salvation, the crow: the prayer cursed and a remake which was a tribute Brandon Lee. The main actor of this film was Brandon Lee whom we will always remember as the crow, he was the son of the famous Bruce Lee. Brandon was very attached to his father. When he was a little kid, his father taught him martial arts techniques, with only 4 years he knew how to kick by the sides and With only 8 years his father died and he became “the man of the house”. Brandon loved motorcycling, he practiced the martial arts and possessed a great charisma similar to his Father Bruce. Lee, had a film career quite short, died at the age of 28 after receiving an accidental shot while he was filming The Crow, his death was similar to his father’s death . I always remember him as a great movie legend.


It is one of my favorite childhood movies. It was produced by Tim Burton in 1993, in a technique that was the state-of-the-art in this year, Stop motion. It is scary, romantic, funny and disgusting. The first time I watched it, it make me feel terrified, (I was only 10 years old, it was unavoidable to feel that) I watched again two years ago and I discovered that it is a cult movie and its soundtrack has been produced twice, the last time was in 2010 and the most famous musician sung the songs of the movie like Evanescence, Marilin Manson, Korn and others. an interesting  datum is that  Danny Elfman , the musician who composed the Simpsons soundtrack, was the same who wrote the music for this film. other  important aspect  of this film is that the plot is similar to Grinch’s story, however in this movie Jack tries to celebrate the christmas day, and he almost destroyed it. It is a movie for everyone, adults and children…
Enjoy it… wajjwawjja wja


It is one of the most famous love story of the world. it is based on a betseller written by Margareth Mitchel. it is a movie made in 1939. It tells us the story of Scarleth O’hara. She is an arrogant girl who is in loved with the best friends’ husband. She got married with two different men and was  widowed when she is very young, finally got married with Gerard Butler, a man who is arrogant like her. This movie surprised me a lot. , at the begginning ( when my girlfriend forced me to watch it ) I thought it was like a mexican soap opera, however, I discovered a story that i ever imagined that It could be filmed in those ages, because I thought that the thirties was an innocent decade. I recommend  this movie to all the people who has passion for movies, You can watch fascinating effects, great scenes… in spite of the fact that is a long long long movie.(it last 3 hours) , it is very entertaining.