Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)

It is a fascinating movie that won 3 oscars in 1993, it was directed by Francis Ford Coppola and the starrings are Winona Ryder, Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins and Keanu Reeves.It narrates the story of how Vlad Teppes become Dracula because of his wife’s death. it mix the reality with the fantasy and try to demonstrate the existence of this Vampire, just like the Bram Stoker’s novel tries to do. according to the Producer, the story is based on the Bram Stocker’s novel “Dracula”, however it includes a real character like Vlad Teppeswho does not appear in the novel and who is believed was the first vampire because of his famous technique of impaling.In this movie Francis Ford Coppola showed a lot of incredible scenes and interesting special effects. Every scene is totally different from the last one, besides the characterization of Gary Oldman is amazing. You can see his transformation of a young man, old man, rats, bat, wolfman etc…, this man is an excellent actor. the scene of the brides trying to kill Keanu reeves, the transformation of Dracula to a wolfman, the murder of Sadie Frust, the love scenes of Winona Ryder and Gary Oldman captured my attention. it is a real classic.

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